UCSC’s Center for Advocacy, Resources, & Empowerment (CARE) supports campus affiliates impacted by interpersonal violence and stalking. All CARE services are free and confidential, and aim to support survivor healing through trauma-informed, survivor-centered, and holistic approaches.
The CARE Survivor Discretionary Fund serves as confidential, short-term financial support for survivors healing from instances of harm. Annually, our goal is to raise $8,000 of unrestricted funding for survivor’s emergency expenses.
Interpersonal violence and stalking are increasingly prevalent issues on college campuses, with 13% of college students experiencing sexual or domestic violence during their college years. Recent statistics show that three in five college students additionally experience some degree of financial insecurity. This lack of financial security limits many UCSC survivors' access to basic needs and safety resources, further aggravating experiences of harm.
When a student leaves a harmful situation, financial burdens restrict healing, safety, and access to resources. Your contribution is critical to relieving financial stress for UCSC survivors. With your generosity, students connected to CARE will be able to access emergency funding for…
With appreciation,
The CARE Team
Naomi, Abbey, Mira, Zack, Meg, Martina, Susan, and our Student Staff.